Options, Settings, and Customizations


Support is provided for a number of customizable settings. To access the settings dialog, select the Tool Settings toolbar button or the Tools->Settings menu option.


General Settings


Automatically Add Current Domain to Object View

Automatically Expand Current Domain on Startup

Confirm all File Copy and Move Operations

Automatically refresh disk space information

Remote share mask for disk space function

Automatically refresh print job information
Editor Path and Name

Path to Object Manager and other shared configuration files

Shared Settings File Location


User Settings


Suppress automatic display of all groups and users

Sort user group memberships in tree window

Refresh list view window when users are modified

Show last logon/logoff information

Show RAS (dialup) information

Show user thin client (Terminal Server) information

Confirm changes to properties for multiple users

Show user preview window on user properties dialog

Display warning when accessing locked out accounts
Show User Profile Manager dialog when deleting users

Batch file to run for all user changes (add/modify/delete)

Show batch file command windows

Default Login Script Directory


Home Dir Settings


The home directory settings dialogs allows setting home directory templates for control over home directory, home share, and security settings. See the Home Directory Templates section for more information on user home directory options.


View Settings


Show Hidden Shares

Show UNIX (Samba/Linux) computers

Check if Shares contain Subdirectories in Tree View

Check if Directories contain Subdirectories in Tree View

View All Computers (offline, hidden, etc.)

Show shell context menu for computer objects

Cache domain controller information

Integrate browse list with Active Directory computer listing
Ping Options

Disk Space View Options


Active Directory Settings


Enable Active Directory support
Show Shell Property Pages by default for user objects

Show Shell Property Pages by default for group objects

Use DNS computer paths

Enable support for adding INetOrgPerson objects

Add shell functions menu to directory object context menus

Show all Active Directory system objects and folders (advanced view)

View users, groups, and computer objects as containers


Focus Settings


The Focus settings let you configure an object to automatically show its contents when it receives the focus, that is, it is clicked on or selected by the keyboard.


The focus options are broken down into many different related object categories, so you can select to have this option available for some objects, yet not available for others. For networks with WAN or slow network connections, it is advisable to have these options disabled.


GUI Settings


Window Options - The Window Option settings allow some of the windows in Hyena to utilize the advanced options available by Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 and later. These options will only be visible if the file named ComCtl32.DLL is version 4.7 or later. Unfortunately, third-party software developers cannot redistribute this .DLL file. To get this functionality, update to the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, which is also available in most Windows 2000 installations and all later Windows (Windows XP, etc.) versions.


Highlight entire row for selected list window items

Show gridlines in list windows
Enable automatic (hover) selection in tree windows

Display active user account in title bar


Toolbar Options - The Toolbar Option settings control the button sizes and the behavior of the OU filtering toolbar, which is available when managing Windows Active Directory-enabled domains.


Enable large toolbar buttons

Enable OU filtering toolbar
Always Show OU filtering toolbar


Restore View Options - The Restore View settings ('SystemViews') control the behavior of Hyena's ability to save and restore previous views of the right window contents.


Enable view saving and restoration

Maximum number of saved views


See the Managing Multiple Views topic for more information on 'SystemViews'.


Note: Hyena must be restarted for these settings to take effect.



User-defined Tools


Adding user-defined tools and commands to the Tools menu is fully supported. User-defined tools can be invoked either by selection from the Tools menu, or by pressing Ctrl-F1 through Ctrl-F9. Ctrl-F1 corresponds to the first user-defined tool, Ctrl-F2 for the second, etc.


To setup user-defined tools, select Tools->Settings->Tools. A maximum of 200 custom tool commands can be defined.  Hyena stores all tool configuration information into a file named TOOL_CMDS.DAT.  Tools can also be placed into groups as follows:

When configuring a user-defined tool option or a macro command string, the command line to execute can include the following special symbols that will be replaced before execution:


%S% - Server Name. When used in a command line, the %S% will be replaced with the name of the current server active for the selected object.


Note: Leading "\\" characters in the server name will NOT be included in the command replacement. If the tool being invoked requires the leading backslashes, enter these explicitly into the command string.  See the example below.


%E% - Entry. When using in a command line, the %E% will be replaced with the text of the active entry for the selected object. For a selected item in the right list window, the first column will generally be used for the text.  However, for Active Directory query results, the 'samaccountname' attribute is returned (Pre-Windows 2000 Logon Name).


Use the %Cx% (see below) if a different column needs to be used.


%G% - Group. This option is only valid when viewing members of local or global group; it will be replaced with the name of the selected members’ group name.


%Cx% - Column "x". When used on selected information in the list window, replace the "x" with the number of the column to retrieve information from. For example, to use the information displayed in the third column, enter "%C3%" for the symbol.  The %C1% symbol can also be used when accessing a tool option from the left window, which will result in returning the primary display label for the object.


%HOSTNAME%.  Returns the Netbios or DNS host name of the computer, depending on the setting under Tools->Settings->AD->"Use DNS computer paths".


%Px% - User-defined parameter. Can be used to prompt for up to three (3) parameters. Use %P1% for the first parameter, %P2% for the second, etc.


%Px:prompt% - User-defined parameter with custom prompt. Same as above, but adds the “prompt” text to the input dialog, so that it will be clear what is being asked for.


%Px:prompt/PWD% - User-defined parameter with custom password-enabled prompt. Same as above, but automatically turns on the password entry check box for security.


Note: The symbols MUST be entered in uppercase only.




Display Options


The Display tab on the Settings dialog allows customization of some of the view windows.


After first selecting the display to customize, control over the fields to display, the order of display, and the field captions can be modified.


Note: The display options are saved immediately upon modification; clicking OK on the Settings dialog is not necessary.






Hyena includes support for Wake-On-Lan tm (WOL) enabled computers.  See the Wake-On-Lan section for more information.


Reporting Options


Hyena includes both printing and reporting capabilities.


Printing and Reporting options only apply to items displayed in the list window.



Print Functions


The printing function is accessed through the File->Print menu option. The options that can be configured include the point size to be used on the printed output, and whether to print using a bold font.


Reporting Functions


Hyena includes a Microsoft Access-based reporting interface. To utilize the reporting capabilities, you need to have Microsoft Access already installed on your system.


Hyena will by default automatically attempt to find MSAccess.exe and use the HyenaRpt.mdb file that is in Hyena's installation directory.  To customize the locations of these files for special or shared configurations, the following options can be provided on the Tools->Settings->Reporting dialog:


Path to Excel.exe - Provide a path to the Excel.exe program, if needed.  If left blank, Hyena will attempt to find Excel.exe.  This path is used when using the options to export information to Microsoft Excel.  See the Exporting topic for more information.


Path to MSAccess.exe - Provide a path to the MSAccess.exe program, such as j:\apps\microsoft office\office. You can leave this option blank to have Hyena attempt to find MSAccess.exe.


Path to HyenaRpt.mdb report database – Hyena’s installation program installs the HyenaRpt.mdb database into the default Hyena installation directory.  If this setting is left blank, Hyena will use the .mdb file in the installation directory.  You can provide an alternate directory path here, or move the HyenaRpt.mdb file to a central network location.


To generate a report, first display some information in Hyena’s right list window. Then, select Tools->Run Report… from the menu.


Exporting Options - Exporter Pro configuration file directory path - Set this value, if needed, to a local or network directory path where the Exporter Pro configuration files are stored.  These files have a file extension of .CFG and are used by Exporter Pro to store templates for Active Directory, WMI, and other template-based exports.  If left blank (the default), the default location of the built-in .CFG files will be used.



Licensing Settings


The licensing settings display the active Hyena License, as well as any license options, such as Exchange, Terminal Server, and the current maintenance expiration date.


Remote Control Settings


Hyena can be used to manage two different type of remote control options: 3rd-party 'Remote Control' products, such as VNC, and 'Remote Desktop' which uses a version of Microsoft Windows Terminal Services and is found on all modern Windows operating systems.


3rd-party 'Remote Control' products are managed by the SystemTools Remote Control Manager (STRCM). The STRCM utility provides for a way to manage most remote control software products from within Hyena.  The STRCM supports installation, configuration, viewing, and uninstallation of remote control software, including VNC-based products.


Remote Desktop uses the built-in Windows application MSTSC.EXE.  Hyena will build a command string and run MSTSC with the options configured.


The individual Remote Configuration Files (.rcm) can be viewed and modified from the Tools->Settings->Remote dialog.


Hyena supports sharing of Remote Control configuration (.RCM) files.  To share these files with other Hyena users, enter a network path location for the ".RCM file configuration directory" setting.


See the Remote Control Integration topic for more information about the STRCM and Remote Desktop configurations.


Exchange Options and Setup


Hyena’s Exchange 2000/2003 and Exchange 2010 interfaces are to add, modify, and delete Exchange mailboxes that have associated user accounts.


Important Note: Hyena’s Microsoft Exchange integration features are only available in the Enterprise Edition of Hyena. Hyena’s Standard Edition will allow Exchange information to be viewed or modified only for the first 30 days after installation. This allows the functionality of the Exchange features to be fully evaluated before any additional licenses for it are purchased. For more information on the licensing of the Enterprise Edition, see the Licensing topic.


For more information on how to create, modify, and delete Exchange mailboxes, see the Enterprise Features - Exchange Features topic.


Exchange 2000/2003


The only installation prerequisite for using the Exchange 2000/2003 integration options in Hyena is that you must have already installed the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program on your client workstation. If you can already manage Exchange recipients from your workstation, then this probably has already been done. Hyena requires the use of certain DLLs for these functions; Microsoft does not allow 3rd party software developers to redistribute these files.


To configure Exchange 2000/2003:

To create a new Mailbox Location Template:

To select the template or change other options when creating a mailbox:

Exchange 2007/2010


Exchange 2007


Hyena only supports management of Exchange 2007 Properties.  Exchange 2007 lacks the capability for Remote Powershell (see Exchange 2010 below), thereby making mailbox creation and removal not possible in Exchange 2007.


To enable the option to update Exchange 2007 mailbox properties, simply check the box 'Enable Exchange 2007/2010 Integration'.  The Mailbox Properties option will be available as a submenu on any Active Directory user context menu.


Installation of the Exchange 2007 Management Console or any Exchange administration software is NOT required.


Exchange 2010 Management Prerequisites


Exchange 2010 uses Powershell v2.0 for adding and disabling Exchange 2010 mailboxes.  Powershell v2.0 contains a feature referred to as 'Remote PowerShell' (RPS). RPS allows a client to remotely execute Powershell commands on another computer.  Hyena uses an intermediary component named the 'SystemTools Powershell Interface', which is contained in the file named SystemTools_PSI.dll. This component is essentially an engine that communicates to Exchange 2010 using the remote capabilities of Powershell v2.0.


Powershell v2.0 must be installed for Hyena to manage (ie add or disable) Exchange 2010 mailboxes. Powershell is also needed to access any of the 'Find' buttons for Exchange 2010 settings or templates


Powershell is NOT needed to modify or view any mailbox properties, since these interfaces only access and modify Active Directory attributes.


If you have not already installed Powershell v2.0, you can get it here:




The SystemTools Powershell Interface (SystemTools_PSI.dll) requires that the Microsoft .NET Framework be installed. The installation of Powershell v2.0 will ensure that all required components, including Microsoft .NET, will be already installed.


There are three (3) basic steps to enabling the Exchange 2010 management options:


1. Enable Exchange 2010 Integration


Check the box at the top of the dialog, 'Enable Exchange 2007/2010 Integration'.


2. Set the Exchange Server


NOTE: If Hyena is being executed directly on the Exchange server, for example, through a remote RDP session or other remote product, then this step can be skipped. In cases where Hyena does not know which server to use for a remote Exchange function, the local computer will be used. If Hyena is being executed on a typical client computer or any computer that is not acting as an actual Exchange server, then this step must be performed.


Hyena uses the remote capabilities in Powershell for Exchange administration. One advantage to this is that it is not necessary to install the Exchange administration tools on the local computer. One disadvantage is that the local computer does not know anything about Exchange. Remote Powershell (RPS) requires that any function be executed on a remote computer, and since Exchange functions must be carried out by an Exchange server, the remote computer in this case must be an Exchange server.


To provide flexibility and eliminate any assumptions, Hyena provides a way to assign an Exchange server to a given domain. The domain in this case is any domain whose users have associated Exchange mailboxes. Use the 'Add', 'Edit', and 'Remove' buttons under the 'Exchange Server Domain Assignments' list to manage these assignments.


Note that you can use the 'Assign Exchange 2010 Server' dialog to find Exchange servers, but you must also provide a server to execute the corresponding Powershell 'Get-ExchangeServer' command on.


3. Configure Templates (optional)


To make it easier to create mailboxes on multiple Exchange databases, one or more templates can be optionally created. The purpose of the template is to simply store the mailbox database name. If other options are added in the future, for example, specifying default storage quotas, these options will be added to this template capability.


After enabling Exchange integration and clicking OK, Hyena will register the SystemTools_PSI.dll.  




Hyena offers many advanced settings.  For a complete listing of these settings, see the Advanced Settings topic.




Logging enables Hyena to log information about some actions, such as Active Directory changes, updates to local user accounts, system restarts, etc.  For more information about the information that can be logged see the Logging Options topic.




Hyena can optionally log WMI query and method executions.  


Log File Name - Enter a valid path and file name to write the logging information into.  The file can be stored at a network location and used by multiple Hyena users, if needed.  


WMI Query / Method Options


Log Successful Attempts - To log all successful queries/methods, enable this option.


Log Failed Attempts - To log all failed queries/methods, enable this option.


Show popup errors when processing multiple computers - When executing queries or methods on multiple computers, the popup message boxes alerting the user to an error will stop further execution until the OK button is clicked.  This can present problems if a large number of computers are being processed, for time-consuming operations, or if the actions should be taken without any user intervention.  When this option is selected, Hyena will not display any popup errors.  If the 'Log Failed Attempts' option is enabled, the error message will be written to the log file.


Log File Fields - The following fields are written to the log file, which are tab-delimited:


Date -  (formatted based on user locale)

Time - (formatted based on user locale)

User - The active user account (security context) running Hyena.

Server - The computer the logged entry is applicable to.

Category - The 'category' for each type of log entry, ie 'WMI'.

Sub-Category - The 'sub-category' for each type of log entry, ie 'WMI_Query' or 'WMI_Method'.

LogData1 - An item specific to each type of log entry:


WMI Query - This field will be the WMI class of the query

WMI Method - This field will be the WMI method name


LogData2 - An item specific to each type of log entry:


WMI Query - This field will be empty

WMI Method - This field will be the WMI Path the method is executed on


Success / Failure - Either SUCCESS or FAILURE, localized

Error Message - If a FAILURE entry, the error message that caused the failure.