Selection Based on External File
Starting with Hyena v12.7, a new method to select items in Hyena's list window was added to the Edit menu, 'Select from File...'.
This option was added to provide for a method to select items in any Hyena view that match (or do not match) a designated column in an input file. For example, one common support inquiry we get is how to 'import' a list of computers. This is often needed when an external computer list has been provided, but you want to take this list and perform some action on it, such as moving these computers into another Active Directory OU, for example. The 'Select from File...' option makes operations like this possible now without having to create custom computer lists.
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In addition to the new video on using the Active Task component in Hyena, SystemTools also has a number of other videos available on our YouTube Channel here:
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