Hyena v11.7 Coming Soon
Hyena v11.7 is scheduled to be released later this year. We are very excited about some of the upcoming features, and in particular, the new 'Active Directory Query Library' feature.
The 'Library' will offer dozens of pre-defined Active Directory queries and will provide a large number of examples on how to use the existing LDAP filtering capabilities built into AD. While Hyena can perform these filters now, many Hyena users are unfamiliar with all of the options and the complex syntax required.
We've also further improved the AD Query Manager, adding sub-menu capabilities so that a large number of directory queries can be more easily grouped together. Queries can also be placed on the main menu as well. Finally, we've added a special symbol to represent the current day. This allows, for example, a directory query to be defined to "show me all users with an account expiration date after today".
Hyena v11.5 Updated to rev 'E'
Hyena v11.5 has been updated for rev 'E' from its initial release, and can be downloaded here. Changes include:
Rev 'E' - Fixed problem in non-English versions when attempting to display the AD query builder dialog (Group Matrix and Active Task).
Rev 'E' - Added an error message to be displayed when a template file could not be opened for reading.
Rev 'E' - Added the object's server as a starting point to the domain selection when using the "Managed By" (Object tab) picker dialog.
Rev 'D' - Fixed an issue with the sorting of dates where some dates off by one day would sort incorrectly (off by one day), due to internal numeric scaling issues.
Rev 'C' - Fixed the mechanism to lookup the original source replicating account lockout server on the 'View Logon Information' dialog, and also optimized the View All Controllers function to not re-retrieve the domain controller list from the domain.
Rev 'C' - Highlighted and added a workstation image to the last controller entry used by a user to logon to (authenticate) on the 'View Logon Information' dialog.
Rev 'C' - Added new Advanced settings (Tools > Settings > Advanced), "DefaultFindForm", to allow control over the default 'form', or directory search, when using the 'Find' feature on AD containers and OUs. See the Tips section below on how to use this new feature.
For a complete list of changes in Hyena v11.5, see the Hyena New Features page.
New End-of-Life (EOL) Policy
We've seen an increase in customers asking for support of older (a decade in some cases) versions of Hyena, and needed to revise our support policy for older versions. In summary, we will continue to offer full support for all released versions for a full three (3) years after the initial release. The full EOL policy statement can be found here.