Object Manager - Performance


Displaying Performance Information


Note: For General information about Hyena's Object Manager, click here.


To access Performance information for any computer, expand the Performance object for any computer in Hyena's left window.  The Performance object replaces the older "Processes" object in prior versions of Hyena.


Hyena's Performance function can view any type of performance monitoring object supported by the operating system.  This functionality uses the same techniques used by the built-in Performance Monitor utility.  A number of predefined performance queries are installed by default; additional performance objects and queries can be configured through Object Manager (File->Manage Object View->Performance). To configure additional performance queries or to modify an existing query:

To create a new performance query, click the New button.  To modify an existing query, select the query and either modify the performance counter information in the lower windows, or click the Modify button to modify the performance query attributes.


Performance Query Attributes


A performance query consists of an object type, such as the Process object, and the following attributes:

Performance Query Counters


The counters that are available for a given type of performance object will be listed in the Available Performance Counters (lower right window).  Use the Add button to add one or more counters to the selected query.  Changes are saved automatically.  Once added, use the Up, Down, Modify, or Delete buttons under the Current Query Performance Counters listing (lower left window) to modify the counter display.  The display of performance counter information can be controlled by using the Modify button, which allows setting the following:

Managing Processes


Windows does not have any support for terminating a remote process.  To terminate a remote process, use the Terminate function found in the WMI Win32_Process class.  See the WMI topic for more information on WMI.