Using Active Directory Queries and Views



The context menu for any Active Directory object includes the Query Active Directory submenu, which will contain queries and options defined for the selected object:



Object-Specific Queries - In the view shown, two (2) queries are listed: Group (Summary) and Group (Detailed).  These queries are predefined when Hyena is installed, but can be modified.  Entirely new queries can be defined as well.


When executed, these queries will display information in Hyena's right window in a column/report format, with field headings and each attribute displayed in a separate column.


To directly modify any Active Directory information, select the AD objects to modify, then select the Manage Directory Attributes function.  To modify a single attribute, right click in the attribute's column, then right click and select the 'Modify <attribute name>' function.  See the Active Directory Attribute Management topic for more information on directly accessing and modifying attributes.


View All Directory Attributes - This menu option is added when a single directory object (ie a single user or group) is selected.  The "View All" option will display directory information in a 'listing' format in Hyena's right window.  This format shows Active Directory data where each AD attribute is listed separately.  This option is an excellent tool for troubleshooting directory problems and viewing directory information in its native, unstructured format.


To modify one or more directory attributes from this view, select the attributes, right click, then select the applicable Modify option from the context menu.


Select / Customize Query - This menu option can be used to customize any existing query or to create an entirely new query for the selected object type.


Queries can be assigned as a default when an item is either expanded in or double-clicked on.  Additionally, The number and order of the directory fields can be controlled and customized, and for Container/OU contents, a customized LDAP filter can be assigned.


For information on customizing and creating Active Directory queries, see the Object Manager - AD Queries topic.